Health & Beauty
Restore your confidence with refreshing health and beauty essentials
Clear Men Anti-Dandruff Anti Hair Fall Shampoo 650ml
RM18.90Sunsilk Lively Clean & Fresh
Shampoo 650mlDove Straight & Silky Shampoo 680ml
RM19.90Colgate Great Regular 225g
(Super Value 2-Packs)RM19.90RM16.90- Systema Enhanced Clean Toothbrushes <br>– Spiral [3pcs | Super Value Pack]sheue.feng.gohAugust 7, 2022March 31, 2023
Systema Enhanced Clean Toothbrushes
– Spiral [3pcs | Super Value Pack] - -25%Alcosm 0% Alcohol Antibacterial Classic Wipes – 50 wipes (50’s x 3 packs)sheue.feng.gohAugust 7, 2022September 22, 2023
Alcosm 0% Alcohol Antibacterial Classic Wipes – 50 wipes (50’s x 3 packs)
RM15.90RM12.00 Kotex Herbal Cool Maxi Non Wing
24cm (16s x 3)RM18.15RM16.90
Customer Testimonials
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Got 40% off my shampoo... so cheap I couldn't believe it! Definitely can save a lot of money if I group buy and bundle ship.

Was looking to find cheaper online deals and came across this group buy app ad. Perfect for those who wants to save or those on a budget, because you can bundle ship all your items and only pay once for shipping.
Love the refreshing app design too.

Found the same hygiene products I use daily at a way lower price! Thanks to my daughter for teaching me how to use this group buy app. So many discounts, even up to 50%... Can earn points too and save on my next bill.